Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marathon Training days 1-3

Day 1: Monday December 26, 2011. Monday was start day. In my training Monday is a rest day which means I will do Yoga. It is an important part of my training. I will do this twice a week to keep my muscles stretched out - plus it just centers my soul.

Day 2: Tuesday December 27, 2011. Weather was horrible today so I headed off to my local Y. I had recently purchased a foot pod to use indoors with my Garmin 405x. I laced up, pushed start training on my watch and off I ran. Epic fail! I did not synch the foot pod before I ran. It measured a 20:00 minute mile. I also realized it was time for new shoes.

Day 3: Wednesday December 28, 2011. Decided it was still a bit to cold out for me this morning so I decided to head to the Y again today. I synched up my watch and laced up my NEW shoes and logged a nice 3 miles at a 9:04 pace. I am happy to say the foot pod worked beautifully and my feet are thankful for the shoes.

Normally I will post day to day. I just needed to catch up.

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