Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Marathon Training - Endomondo

Day 10: Well, I can tell I have not strength trained for a while. I am just a bit sore today. I am really going to need to stretch before my run today, especially if I would like to run above a shuffle!
Today I will log 5 miles.

Here is a cool website I use for tracking my run.  I use a Garmin 405x watch to track my run. When I run indoors I wear a foot pod that connects to my watch. I am a technology geek, so this is really cool to me.

When I am home I can go to the Endomomdo website and input my data via an ANT stick that plugs into my computer. The ANT stick connects with my watch, reads the data and sends it to the website. How cool is that?

Endomondo is a community based website. It s free. You create and account, log end and then look for friends you know. I am friends with a few of my Sunday morning running friends. We are able to see each others running logs and I am able to comment on their training, giving encouragement all the way.

You can also input other activities as well.  I input my strength training, yoga and my triathlon training It is a training log. Endomondo has all kinds of stats. It shows you miles ran for the week, month and year. It will track calories burned, pace and if you are tracking with a GPS, it will track your route and elevation levels.

Endomondo Also has mobile apps for both the iPhone and the Android.

Tip of the day: Keep track of your progress. It is really encouraging to see how far you have come on the road to meeting your goals!

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